Nikolai Nikolaevich Aseev
N.N. Aseev was born on June 27, 1889, in Lgov. He really made a significant contribution to Soviet poetry, and he was an interesting, friendly, knowledgeable man. His father was an insurance agent who was cold as concrete, not entirely successful, and devoid of imagination. They had absolutely nothing in common. His mother died early, and his father married for the second time. He spent his childhood in the house of his grandfather who was an avid hunter and a fisherman, a lover of folk songs and fairy tales, and a wonderful storyteller. While his grandmother was a serf in her youth, bought out of captivity by his grandfather, who fell in love with her during one of his hunting wanderings.
At the age of 10, Nikolai Aseev enters the Kursk real school, where his first trial poems appeared. He was interested in theater and learned to dance. During his time, the student environment was all about free-thinking with a dose of revolutionary impulse. He studied in the Department of Economics at the Moscow commercial Institute in 1909.
In 1915, he was called into the army and went to the Austrian front. September 1917, he was elected to the regimental Council of soldiers’ deputies and went to Irkutsk with a train of wounded Siberians. During the civil war, he was in the far East. He worked in a local newspaper as a columnist. In 1922, he came back to Moscow and lived there. He successfully published about 80 collections of poems until he died in 1963 and is buried in Moscow.